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Always was, Always is, Always will be.

Cycling Through Time: How Rethinking your 'Always' by bringing the shadow from the Past Tense into the now to Transform Your Future.

Have you ever noticed that your life seems to follow a repetitive pattern, and no matter what you do differently, the outcomes remain the same? I used to use the word "always" frequently, but a friend pointed out that I used it in the past tense, depicting a continuous cycle of negative experiences. I often complained that I was always the one doing all the work and constantly found myself in difficult situations, never receiving help or support. This realization surprised me, and I understood that using the word "always" this way kept me stuck in the past rather than looking forward and using it to my advantage.

To break free from this cycle, I had to change how I used the word "always." I started catching myself when I used it in the past tense and retrained myself to think more positively. Instead of saying, "I always find it hard to fit in," I began affirming, "I can always find a way to fit in because I enjoy meeting new people." This shift in mindset gradually transformed my experiences, as I believed I was fitting in well with others. Another negative pattern I had was always thinking I was different from my family and feeling disconnected. To change this, I started saying, "I used to think I was different growing up, but now I appreciate my uniqueness and have a different mindset than my siblings.

It may feel uncomfortable at first to use "always" in a positive way, but with practice, it becomes easier. The key is to become aware of how you use the word in the first place. By transforming your past sentences using "always" into statements using "used to," you can change the energy around it and make it more powerful. I firmly believe that we all have the power to change our outlook on life by putting in the effort and making the necessary changes in our own time. When you start using "always" in a positive and empowering way, you will attract new experiences and positive outcomes. Your mindset will shift, and you'll understand the true power of words in shaping your life for the better.

Written By Kate West.

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