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Hanging Try Out To Dry

Updated: Sep 26, 2021

Are you trying hard to make everything in your life work out well?

Is it happening for you? Or does it feel like an uphill struggle or a battle against the tide?

Sometimes its our trying and the mindset of trying that can stop us from achieving the best out of relationships, career or whatever aspect of life is appropriate.

Consider this. If we only try at life, are we saying that it doesn’t matter that we succeed or not. After all, we tried didn’t we? Let’s not give it another thought !

If we make our minds up to do instead of try then by process we will always have a greater and better outcome. We will work that little bit harder to achieve what we want. If that doesn’t work then we can look at other possible solutions.

We have effectively relegated the word try to the lower division small stuff like when you want to try on new clothes or try out a new restaurant.

Consider this. Use do and doing instead of try and trying in a mindful way and whenever appropriate. Take this mental step towards actually finding solutions to issues as they arise. This may involve some discomfort on your part, The difficult steps represent positive momentum away from the dogma of comfort towards the new flexible you. Ideally you would want to give other options due consideration in order to get a situation to works out satisfactorily for all concerned.

Of course this needs practise and this is often uncomfortable too. Don’t expect instant results. Be realistic and kind to yourself. At some point you will be pleasantly surprised at how well this process works. Hopefully it becomes a habit (I have to admit I still slip up on the “t” word so do not worry) and as we know habits are only formed from constant practice and repetition. How good does it feel to have made this change ?

If you feel inclined to forward your feelings about the content on this blog I would be hugely grateful for your contribution.

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Aug 22, 2021

What beautiful words. Makes you think that if thinks don't work out first time, try try again. Different situations we come across can be challenging at times, but hey we are one person let's not be hard on ourselves we are who we are!!!!

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