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The Energetic Body

Have you ever entered a room full of people and instantly felt drawn to one or two individuals? It's a peculiar sensation, but there's something about them that captivates you. Perhaps it's their clear and joyous energy or a strong connection you feel with them. These people seem to carry no visible baggage, and their positive energy radiates like a charm button, attracting others like a sweet aroma from a bakery.

When you encounter someone who draws you in inexplicably, consider their energy. It's as if they resonate on the same wavelength as you, making you feel comfortable in their presence. They may know how to keep their own issues tightly contained, preventing them from projecting negativity onto others. It's possible that their energy field extends farther, making them magnetically appealing to many.

In reality, each of us has the power to create energetic fields that radiate outward. However, circumstances or personal preferences may deter some from shining brightly or seeking attention. Some might find social situations stifling and choose not to exude their radiance, feeling drained in company. Energy fields can vary among individuals and change based on circumstances.

As someone who has worked in a caring role with dementia patients, I've learned how crucial it is to manage one's thoughts and emotions when interacting with them. Dementia sufferers seem to be sensitive to the energies of those around them, and negative energy can have an amplified impact. Being positive and leaving personal baggage at the door before engaging with them can significantly affect their well-being and overall experience.

Experiencing empathy, I find myself drawn to people who exude positivity, love, and a light heart. However, empathy also means being affected by negative energies emitted by certain individuals, which can be draining. In public settings, I often request protection from such negative energies to preserve my own emotional well-being. My "energy bubble" becomes essential in navigating these experiences.

As the reader, have you ever encountered similar situations? Do you work on cultivating your own energy field to manage these interactions effectively?

Written by Kate West

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